Your aged care assessment

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elderly gathering at a table laughing

APM assessors are friendly, helpful and respectful

They’re efficient, thorough and focused on finding the best solutions for you to build your strengths and stay independent at home.

To book your assessment, you will receive a call from APM to confirm the most appropriate time and setting for your Home Support Assessment.

You will also be asked to confirm your identity, so it's important to have your ID, such as your driver's licence or passport, ready for your assessment.

We will then spend time getting to know you and how you go about your daily life. We want to know about the things you're good at and the areas of day-to-day you need help with.

We will discuss how you go about your daily life and what sort of regular activities you do. These can be anything from household chores, cooking and cleaning, and personal care, to transport, shopping or socialising.

Your assessor will be asking plenty of questions, so it's important you're open with us.

If you have a family member or support person you rely on, they can also be present for the assessment.

lady talking with two elderly

Important Notice

If you are located in one of the following regions unfortunately, due to factors beyond our control, APM Assessment Services no longer provides services in your area which means we are no longer able to assist you.

  • Tasmania
  • Western Sydney NSW
  • Darling Downs QLD
  • Logan River Valley QLD
  • South Coast QLD
  • Sunshine Coast QLD
  • Barwon VIC
  • South Western VIC
  • Grampians VIC
  • Lodden-Malle VIC
  • Northern Metro VIC
  • Western Metro VIC

Enabling you to stay independent is at the centre of everything we do

Our quality, accuracy and thoroughness sets us apart.

Our national network of experienced and friendly assessors will clearly explain your assessment requirements.

Most of all, we respect your right to:

  • Be treated with dignity and respect
  • Information about the assessment process, to be told what is happening and why
  • Express your own views and ideas
  • Have your personal information, such as your medical history, treated in confidence
  • Have an interpreter
  • Have someone join you for your assessment

What happens next?

Your APM assessor will explain the My Aged Care process to you.

Your assessment for My Aged Care services is the first part of the Commonwealth Home Support Program.

If your APM assessment finds you may benefit from My Aged Care support, your assessor will discuss options with you.

Depending on the level of service you need, you may get to choose between a number of local providers who operate near you.

Your assessor will be able to help answer questions you have about accessing the relevant service.

Once your assessment is complete you will also be given the contact details of APM Assessment Services to discuss any changes to your circumstances or if you need to review the services you receive.

We will help you maintain your support with My Aged Care, so you can continue to strengthen your independence and stay in your own home for longer.

To get started, contact My Aged Care to request an assessment with APM. Call 1800 200 422 today.