Stephen and APM Employment Services

Stephen’s Disability Employment Services journey to the perfect match

Stephen’s journey to finding meaningful work was anything but straightforward. As a 31-year-old with Asperger’s, he had been searching tirelessly for a job but faced rejection after rejection.

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“I was applying for jobs, but unfortunately, no one replied back,” Stephen said.

When Stephen’s father arranged for him to join APM for Disability Employment Services (DES) things began to turn around.

Stephen found the guidance and encouragement he desperately needed.

“They walked me through what I needed to do for job search, and they helped me polish up a resume,” Stephen shared.

“So it goes from what I say to something that looks more professional than what I had put together.”

APM’s support didn’t stop at resume building.

They also connected Stephen with interviews, some of which turned out to be successful. One of those opportunities led him to his current role, where he’s thriving.

Stephen now works in a factory environment, a job that aligns perfectly with his previous experience and accommodates his needs.

His work involves managing loads of linens—sheets, towels, pillowcases—which he efficiently handles by loading them into large bags and sending them off to a storage area with the push of a button.

DES participant Stephen smiles as he works in a warehouse

The match between Stephen’s skills and the job was no accident.

APM Employer Account Manager, Adam, recognised the potential in Stephen from the start.

“Stephen’s got Asperger’s disorder, so he can get quite fixated on things. It was really important to look for something where Stephen was comfortable,” Adam explained.

Stephen’s previous experience in factory production environments made him an ideal candidate for the role.

“It was a bit of a no-brainer after having a relationship with Paul (Stephen’s employer) about helping Stephen into this position with those previous skills. And then working around Stephen’s Asperger’s in what would be the correct fit.

“And I think we’ve struck gold here with that. He’s really excelling, and we’ve just matched it up perfectly,” Adam added.

The effort to find the right role for Stephen has paid off tremendously.

Stephen’s story is more than just a tale of finding a job—it’s about finding the right job, one that allows him to use his skills, feel valued, and gain the independence he’s been striving for.

“I've got a reason actually to get up and do something in the day. I feel like my future is brighter and looking up,” Stephen said with a smile.


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