How DES works

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Disability Employment Services (DES) helps people with disability, injury or a health condition to prepare for, find and keep a job.

DES is a free service funded by the Australian Government and delivered by providers, such as APM Employment Services.

It is a program that helps you prepare for, find, and keep a job.

Participants often join DES through a referral from Centrelink (Services Australia).

Centrelink will check to see if you're eligible for DES before referring you to a provider, such as APM.

Easy Read

Download an Easy Read guide to Disability Employment Services.

Registering for DES

You can register for DES by contacting us directly. Visit your nearest APM Employment Services office or call our friendly support team on 1800 276 276.

We can guide you through the process and tell you about the support you may be eligible to receive.

We’ll also let you know if you need to visit Centrelink for an Employment Services Assessment (ESAT).

This will let us know the type of support you need and help guide us on jobs you may be most suitable for.

You can also call the Centrelink employment services line 132 850 - and ask to join APM Employment Services for DES.

DES consultant with an employer look at a large item near a printer

Your DES journey

Our focus is on you and your employment goals - not your disability, injury or health condition.

You start with a meeting with a dedicated employment consultant who will be your champion to setting and achieving your goals.

Together you build a plan with activities to help you achieve your goals and keep you moving forward. These may include:

  • helping you to prepare for work and what to expect in a job
  • looking at job-specific training
  • access to mental health or other local support services
  • learning more about the jobs that interest you

You also get support to search and apply for jobs and when you’re ready to work, help with interviews and meeting local employers.

Support when you start work

Finding a new job might just be the beginning. We want to make sure you feel happy, confident and comfortable at work.

We also want to make sure you have the same opportunities as your co-workers to do your job well.

Your APM employment consultant will check in with you regularly to see how you’re going and help with any challenges you may have.

If you need us, we can provide on-the-job support, which may include workplace modifications, skills training, and other assistance to help you succeed at work.

And we can also meet with your employer and co-workers to ensure a supportive work environment.

We’re here to help you for at least 12 months once you start your new job, making sure you feel supported and confident at work for the long term.

If things change

Life is unpredictable. If your circumstances, work capacity, or health changes we’re here to help.

Buy working together we can adjust your DES program so that it works with your new situation.

And if you have started a new job, we can work with you and your employer to modify your role or employment to minimise the disruption of any changes where possible.

The important thing is to keep us informed of any changes or concerns you have along the way. 

Supported disabilities

Explore the disabilities, injuries, and health conditions of people we support.

NDIS participants

How to apply for DES when you're an NDIS participant.

School leavers

Access DES if you're preparing to leave or have recently left school.

DES success stories